Scot Morris, OD

Scot Morris, OD, has practiced for 25 years in various clinical settings and served as a technology author, magazine chief optometric editor, corporate advisor, practice consultant, and prominent educator. He started or cofounded multiple companies within the eye care industry and participated in multiple clinical trials. Among the challenges he consistently hears about in the health care industry for providers, patients, companies, and the health system are inefficient care delivery, clinical decision-making errors, rising costs, access issues, and failure to provide connected care. Through his various roles, Dr. Morris has focused on how to improve system efficiencies, market, and teach peers how to improve care delivery. His peers voted him as one of the 50 most influential people in eye care and one of the top 250 innovators in the industry. Driven to always find a better way and share that knowledge to make people and processes better, Dr. Morris spent his entire career thinking about health care challenges, how to solve them, and educating others to do the same. As a result, he spent the last few years focusing on these issues and codeveloping a knowledge platform called the AMI Knowledge System, (AMIKnowS), to share and evolve knowledge in hopes that we can solve many health care issues and enable the delivery of accessible and unbiased health care regardless of income, education, or geography.